
This morning I awoke feeling an excitement unexplained. In the streets of London, it all rushed back to me: last night my mother gave me a new name, a new middle name, like the ones Catholics receive at confirmation. It was hand-written on a piece of paper; it had come to her a long time ago, but she was just now telling me.

Though I am familiar with the word and interested in the idea, when she gave me this new name, I promised myself to look it up in the morning.

(1) a season of general joy.
(2) Every fiftieth year in the Mosaic calendar, being the year following the completion of each seventh sabbath of years, at which time all the slaves of Hebrew blood were liberated, and all lands which had been alienated during the whole period reverted to their former owners.

The year of Your favor. May everyone walking beside me know it in their blood and in their bones, this freedom of Yours.


Josh Tengan said...

i like your name. it's very fitting.

streets of London by ralph mctell

lisa said...

This is the most beautiful name ever.

In my mind I define it as "to bring the Kingdom: Jubilee!"


Katelynn Mumau said...

That's a beautiful name care. I miss you very much. London is lucky to have you:)