Claudia opening her birthday champagne.
Happy Solstice!
Bad Liebenzell
Claudia and Laurie
Have been drinking good tea and weak coffee like it's my job, and longboarding a lot, and hiking in the forests around the hamlet. And chocolate! The Germans love their chocolate! I can't wait to get home and eat vegetables and protein again... It's a bit difficult being vegetarian in Europe. I am growing rather tired of bread, even good German bread:p But all the community and chance to rest more than make up for it.
i love this!! i love the photos and i love you being there! i hope you are fully enjoying yourself with your friends. they seem very dear. i am just packing up my room. i hate this 4 day waiting period because it gives my emotions a chance to realize what is going on. i am happy to be going, but nervous too. i love you care.
just saying one last goodbye. i will think of you often. love you. i pray your last few days in europe are wonderful.
My veggie friends in Spain tell me that the Spanish waiters will say "Yes, yes, no meat" but the dish will still include little pieces of ham or bacon. That's not meat, you know, in Spain.
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