
There's something about mountain biking
that makes me feel more like a woman,
strong and beautiful and life-giving

Something that lets me unashamedly wear a sports bra and no shirt
even though my back is dripping with sweat, & my navel is not perfect

And when my legs pedal faithfully
up hills both daunting and mere--
I hardly care that my calves are covered in bruises from the pedals,
my knees stained by the chain,
my thighs powerful, not slender

Because this is my body,
and it does incredible things
daughter of Havah, I honor the Maker.


Anonymous said...

mmm this makes me smile.

i have always loved your dedication to a healthy body.
Health. Strength. Oxygen. Burning. Stretching. Building. Maintaining. Growing. Glowing.

You are SO beautiful.

(yes, i read your blog).

: )

ps. do you think you could take me mountain biking some time? I have a bike but have never really been "mountain biking". I might be bad, but i would like to try..

pearl said...

thank you, thank you, darrelle. what a lovely woman you are.

yes, let's go! i would love to take you, just let me know some times you are free.